Archive | February, 2011

Moving Pains.

24 Feb

I. am. exhausted.

We’re moving this weekend.  In fact, the first load is leaving in about 12 hours.  Am I packed? Not completely.  Should I really be writing a blog?  Probably not.  Then, why am I?  Because I need a quick break.

I’m really looking forward to leaving this apartment, but this is reminding me for the 4th time in 3 years how much I HATE moving.  It’s unsettling and such a pain.  When we moved into this apartment last year I told Jeremy I didn’t want to move again until we could afford to hire movers to do everything for us… Yea, right.  Hello, my name is Jessica and I’ll be your mover today! 😉

Jeremy has been working crazy hours lately.  I think he sneaked into bed around 4 am yesterday and as of 11 pm tonight still isn’t home.  I’m really missing him.  I think more for the support than anything right now.  Moving and midterms don’t mesh well.

I have a suspicion that the bronchitis/pneumonia/cold/sinus infection I just finally got over is making its way back.  Slowly but surely.  I was feeling pretty good for a couple weeks, but I think I might be trying to do too much.  Spring break starts in a week though, so there will be plenty of time for sleeping then. 🙂

Bella and I took a quick break earlier to respond to some emails… We didn’t want to get up…

Off to finish packing the bedroom.  Falling asleep on my squishy bed almost sounds like a better option.

Knitting and Sleeping

4 Feb

I’m still alive… for now…  Feeling better than before, but still not feeling good.  I don’t think I realized how sick I was when I went to the doctor last week.  I’m more exhausted than ever and still sleeping a ton.  My chest is still sore and tight and I’m still congested.  The snowstorm in the midwest was a huge blessing this past week.  I only went to school on Tuesday and got to stay home and sleep the rest of the week.

Meanwhile, I’ve gotten quite a bit of knitting done… 🙂

First, I sewed the buttons Jeremy picked out onto the cowl I made him for Christmas.  It matches his hat and I thought he could use it with the bitter cold weather that was coming our way.

"Thermis" by Kris Knits

Next, I finished the sweater I made my mother-in-law for Christmas.

"Iced" by Carol Feller

I finally finished the Flying Saucer socks I’ve been working on since August.  I bought the yarn during the Chicago Yarn Crawl last summer.  The German fingering weight yarn is wound with two strands and then dye injected to give you two almost identical toe-up socks.  They’re psychedelic and I love them.  They’re a little itchy though (75% wool will do that), so I’m going to soak them in some conditioner and hope they soften up.


Schoppel Wolle Flying Saucer Yarn - 2112 - Kommando Socke

I worked on my baby hats for Save the Children as well.  I’m up to 20 which is far fewer than I hoped to have done by now.  I’ve still got a couple weeks before I have to ship them out.  They’re going to mothers in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.   Next time, they should have this going on from February through July.  My Christmas knitting really kept me from getting as much done.


Baby Hats for Save the Children

I’ve also been working on two other projects.  My “Snow Day Socks” and my mom’s birthday present.  Neither are finished yet, so you don’t get any pictures. 😉

Meanwhile, we have 3 weeks until we move and I’ve been packing like crazy.  I’m looking forward to it for sure. 🙂  Well, maybe not the actual moving part.   I have a feeling that unpacking is going to have to wait until spring break.  hehe.