Archive | October, 2011

10: Distractions

28 Oct

Today starts 10 months on our journey to a baby.  Weepy, yes.  Completely depressed, not this month.

I wasn’t expecting anything this time, which seemed to really help.  I’ve been trying to focus on other things.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading, including books, articles, and blogs.  I’ve also been pretty busy with our store.  Halloween seems to be our warm up to Christmas season.  I love Christmas season.  It’s the best time of the year.  I love the smell.  I love the clothing.  I love the decorations.  I love making presents for everyone.  I love how happy everyone is.
Much to Jeremy’s dismay, I start celebrating Christmas season on November 1 and it goes through January 1. 🙂   It’s going to be my wonderful distraction over the next couple months.  These next couple months will round off our year of trying and officially put us in the questionable fertility category.  But, Christmas should soften the blow and it should help remind me to be thankful and joyful.

In other news, my last ESL class of the year met yesterday.  We had a mini party with cake and soda.  We’ll meet again in January, but I’ll miss Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years with these awesome ladies.   I got a little weepy when the ones we’ve grown closest too hugged us and kissed us good-bye.  They’re such a wonderful group of women and I’m so lucky to have gotten the chance to work with them and get to know them.  I think I’ve learned just as much from them about life and teaching as they’ve learned in English skills. 🙂

Meanwhile, we’re carving pumpkins at my mom’s house tonight.  I don’t love Halloween, but I do love our family tradition of getting together to do things like this.  🙂  Also, I’m drinking a few large glasses of wine… because I can. 😉

Giveaway… Or something…

14 Oct

Our store is having a giveaway this weekend and I’m spreading the news! 😉  Check out our store blog for more info:

But seriously, if you visit the blog, take the 2 minutes to enter.  Our cat and dog products are awesome!

Alice wants you to enter….






Farms and Weddings.

11 Oct

My weekend went surprisingly fast.  I’m not going to lie, I was pretty apprehensive, but it’s amazing what a glass of wine does to make everything seem a little better 😉

On Saturday, I went to Kuiper’s Farm with my mom, sister, and niece to check out their fall/Halloween festivities.  We had a nice time…

Spooky or posed? You decide. 😉

And made some friends…


And of course, we got some delicious apple cider donuts. Yum. 🙂

Saturday evening, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house to visit with my grandparents and my other aunt and uncle.   They were all in town from Michigan for the weekend to be at my dad’s wedding on Sunday.

While it was nice for everyone to be together, it was weird watching my dad get married for a third time.  We like Colleen and I’m glad that my dad is happy.  It’s just a really weird feeling.  Confused?  Me too.

We’re hoping she mellows him out a little bit. 😉

It was nice for all 7 of us to be in the same vicinity.  It will probably be a while before it happens again.

High School Musical would be so ashamed...

We gained 3 new step-siblings..

The fluffy ones are my brothers...;)

My grand total of siblings and step siblings? 10.  And then you can get into in-laws and spouses and it gets really out of control (think upwards of 16+).  Out. of. control.

All in all, it was more pleasant than I had assumed.


Blue Moon Cupcakes.

4 Oct

I would venture to say that Blue Moon Beer is one of Jeremy’s favorites.  It’s even a beer I don’t mind on occasion.  So when I found a recipe for Blue Moon cupcakes, I was all over it.

Blue Moon has a vague citrus taste to it and is normally served with an orange slice.  It also has that nice frothy foam on top.








Que, the cupcakes:                                                                                               They’re full of orange flavors.  From zest and juice to orange slice garnishes.  The frosting is like an orange meringue.  It’s nice and fluffy and light, but still sweet   Jeremy was happy to taste test one when he got home from work. 😉  We took half to dinner with his family and he took the rest to work today.  Yum.

I might not enjoy cooking on a regular basis, but I definitely enjoy baking. : )


My knitting group at the library meets tonight.  Last month was pretty dry and subdued.  I’m hoping this month is a little more entertaining.

Meanwhile, we’re gearing up for my dad’s [3rd] wedding this weekend… You know…  Jeremy and I are getting our hip flasks ready to go… 😉


October 2: 7 Years

2 Oct

Although this weekend started out pretty rough, it seemed to end on a better note.  There were a lot of tears this time.  I wonder if it’s going to keep getting harder.  I had assumed it would get easier, and it was for a while.  I think the worst part is that there isn’t anything that can be done right now.  No one can make this easier, no one can make this hurt less.  I’m developing this deep anger at body that, for once, doesn’t stem from a physical trait.  I feel incompetent, useless, broken.  I feel like there’s something wrong with me.  Like anything else that isn’t performing the way it should, the way it was made to, things feel very wrong.

I’ve wondered a lot lately about never having kids.  A lot of people don’t.  We originally weren’t having any.  We’ve been talking about greyhounds.  And an iguana.  But then what?  I suppose we have endless possibilities.  Fostering, adopting, dying all alone… to name a few.  No positive enough?  Too bad.

We saw a couple movies this weekend.   Abduction with Taylor Lautner (No, there are no werewolves.  Dissapointed?  Me too. 😉 ) and 50/50 with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogan.  50/50 is the big winner.  Jeremy and I both agreed that it was a GOOD movie.  We don’t often agree on things like that.  I laughed, I cried (real shocker, right?), and then I laughed some more.

I did some sewing.  I slept a lot.  Laundry.  I cuddled with Bella.  And Alice.  I know, crazy weekend.

I suppose on one happy note, Jeremy and I started dating 7 years ago today.  Here’s a picture from a few days later.  It was our Junior Homecoming, we were 16-years-old:

Aww, look how clueless we were... 😉

We really liked each other.  Cute and smart?  –>Winning.  We fought a lot.  We went through a lot.  But 7 years later, he’s still my very best friend, the best husband I could ever hope for, and the best man that I know.  Despite everything we’re dealing with right now, I’m still a very lucky girl.