Tag Archives: progesterone

FET Prep

17 Mar

Here we are.  3 days to transfer!  I am SO READY! 🙂

I went in for my last monitoring appointment on Friday.  It went well.  My lining is just over 10 and my estrogen came in around 1070.  As long as it’s under 2000, they’re happy. 🙂  I started progesterone in oil injections on Saturday and I have to say they aren’t nearly as bad as I was expecting.  I’d heard a lot of horror stories about progesterone in oil, and while it’s not pleasant, it’s completely tolerable.

Plus, I don’t think anything can trump the lovenox injections yet…

lovenox collage

I was amazed after the first few injections because I NEVER bruise very much via subcutaneous injections.  Every so often I’ll hit a blood vessel, but it’s rare.  Lovenox is definitely unlike anything I’ve ever given myself though.  It burns going in and for a good while afterwards.  I may or may not be on it throughout the entire time I’m pregnant.  My nurse says the bruising is from the blood thinner I’m taking as well.  As long as it’s normal, I don’t mind that much.  No fun.  But so worth it. 😉

Symptom-wise – last week, I was super tired.  Towards the end of the week I started feeling really achy.  Saturday was especially bad, so I scheduled the massage I’d been hoarding from Groupon, hoping it would loosen my muscles up and relax me.  It definitely loosened my tight muscles, but all of my joints were still super achy.  I took some tylenol when I got home and fell asleep in bed, only to wake up around 10 to run the injections marathon.  At some point in the night I ended up with a low grade fever and realized this probably wasn’t side effects.  I had some kind of flu/cold.  As bad as I felt, my main concern was whether this was going to affect the transfer.   As much as it would suck, I’d rather cancel the transfer and try again next month than have my body kill those perfect embryos in a way we hadn’t bargained for and tried to correct.

While I am feeling better today, I’m definitely not 100%.  BUT, it’s hard to tell what’s illness and what’s side effects at this point.  Thankfully I talked to the nurse who said as long as my fever is gone and I don’t have any congestion in my chest that we should be just fine.  I start taking antibiotics tomorrow as well which should help with any bacterial issues.

All in all, things look good.  I should be feeling pretty good by Thursday and I am more than ready to give these two embryos a shot at life. 🙂

BTW, in about a week, like with our IUIs, I’ll stop posting blogs to facebook.  If you haven’t yet, “follow” my blog to have new posts sent to your email. 🙂

Someone hand me a baby!

18 Sep

Still waiting on the outcome of this cycle.  I don’t feel either excited or depressed.  I’m anxious to feel better again.  The cabergoline worked to an extent when it came to preventing the OHSS again.  The pain, while not good, was bearable and not nearly as bad as last month.  The swelling, however, hasn’t been helped.

I went in to Dr. B’s on Monday for bloodwork and ultrasound and, again, Sherry was really surprised by how swollen my poor ovaries are.  But what else is new?…  She did see, however, two distinct corpus luteums… lutea?  Which is what is left of the collapsed follicle after a woman ovulates.  It produces progesterone.  Other than when I had my lap, no one had ever mentioned seeing one of those on my ovaries before.  It was big and obvious and even I could see it on the screen.  Excellent.  Unfortunately, she also saw a few large follicles that didn’t ovulate.  Crossing my fingers they don’t turn into cysts.  But seeing both of the corpus lutea was great!

It was followed up by excellent hormone numbers for a cycle day 19 check.  My estrogen was still nice and high at 395 and my progesterone had rocketed up to 147 —  the highest it’s ever been.  While my estrogen isn’t as high as last cycle (900+), it’s much much higher than anything I had pre-lap.

The numbers, coupled with the corpus lutea, are excellent indicators of a beautiful ovulation and sustained uterine lining.  I wish it could tell us more. :-/  It looks like we had at least 2 eggs this cycle.  Maybe more based on estrogen numbers.  But 2 is a fine number.  Much better than 6…

Symptoms-wise, my belly is swollen from the ohss and attracting stares if I don’t keep it under wraps…  Thankful, over the past few months, I’ve collected a nice variety of flowing shirts that hide a nonexistent pregnancy from the stares and questions of students.  I love them, but in their minds, I’m young and married and should be having babies… They’re waiting impatiently.  Meanwhile, they’re having babies before me…  Blech.

I’m more moody than I’ve ever been on a medicated cycle.  I’m venturing to guess that I’m even more moody than I was after 3 months of lupron.  Maybe not so weepy, but a lot more angry.  It’s irritating.

My boobs hurt again.  They’re always fairly painful after a novarel trigger.  Then it goes away and doesn’t come back.  They were uncomfortable for a couple days, and now they’re starting to hurt again.  That could just be pms.

My skin is clearing up.  I’ve never had such painful breakouts as I did this cycle.  I don’t know if it was the cabergoline or just the prolonged use of fertility meds, but it really hurt.  Progesterone supplements usually help clear my skin and over the last few days it’s finally clearing up.  I always breakout before my period starts though, so that will be a sign…

Other than that, I’m working a different, but not necessarily new, job as one of my supervisors is on a surprise maternity leave.  She just adopted a brand new baby.  I got to hold her on Monday and it was heavenly.  I don’t think I’ve held such a little baby since my niece was born 8 years ago.  I usually shy away from newborns, but knowing the struggle they went through to get her, I couldn’t help but snuggle her a little closer.  It made me realize how badly I want a baby.  Being pregnant is just a vehicle to get a baby.  I don’t really care how our baby comes to us anymore.  I’m realizing that a little more every day…

More this weekend. 🙂

Time Limits

3 Oct

Nothing new and exciting so far, which I think is a good thing.  Started prometrium on Monday and taking it at night is really helping with the symptoms.

We got a ton of yard work done over the weekend and visited a new church for the second time.  I finished Skill’s winter coat and hat..
And we took him to the dog park on Saturday when the weather was nice and warm…

School is getting crazy busy.  I’m so glad I only opted for 2 course this semester.  With moving and fertility stuff, I think 3 courses would have been way too much.  I am thinking about taking 3 in the spring though.  It’s all going to depend on if we get pregnant this semester or not.

I think I’m starting to consider a stopping point with infertility treatments though.  If it’s not going to happen any time soon, I want to start focusing more on finishing my masters.  I could have it done in two years (maybe even less) if I could concentrate more on it.  I don’t want to get way far into it and then have to stop if we miraculously get pregnant.  That feels like a big waste to me.  We can always pick fertility treatments up again if we want to once I’m working.  OR we can concentrate on paying off our student loans and then look at adoption.  OR we can get a few more greyhounds and call it even. 😉

I’m getting more and more frustrated lately when it comes to the things I can’t do.  Or things I’m afraid to do.  It’s been almost 2 years and it’s getting old.  Does that sound selfish?  I just don’t think I can be someone who puts 10+ years of my life into fertility medications and procedures and doctors.  Maybe once school is finished, it will be easier to juggle.  I don’t think we’ll ever stop trying, but it seems easier to handle if there’s a stopping point for the needles and ultrasounds and medications.  I need to know that it’s not going to go on forever.

I think next summer is the time limit for now.  That’s almost 3 years of trying and 1 full year with our RE.

Maybe I sound like I’m not committed enough to this, but I want to live my life and if kids aren’t a part of it, then I want to enjoy what I do have.  I want to enjoy my husband and our pets.  I want to enjoy being a teacher.  I want to enjoy our house.  I don’t want to spend years and years of my life pining for what I don’t have.  Infertility treatments make me do that.  They make you far more invested in the outcome of each and every cycle.  The injections it took to just make a follicle, the IUI or transfer, the progesterone to sustain an embryo…  THE COST OF EVERYTHING.  How could you not spend every waking moment thinking and hoping and dreading the outcome?

I’ll be 25 in a couple months.  I was barely 23 when I started trying to have a baby.  I know that’s incredibly young, but if I can’t make a baby now, what will my chances be a 26, 27, or 28 when fertility rates first start to decline at 25?

Maybe I’m jumping the gun here, but I need to set this time limit.  We still have 8 or 9 months left with our RE, so plenty could happen.  I just need to see an ending to it for now.  Nothing says we can’t push it out for longer if we feel we need to.  Nothing says we can’t take a 6 month break and start again.  But for now, life needs to keep moving.  I need to be something other than a part time graduate student/full time lady with unexplained infertility…  I need to have some greater purpose in this life than that.


On a completely unrelated note, I accidentally left the bird seed bag on the patio after filling the bird feeder.  I woke up to this…  Happy Wednesday! 😉

Moving Day is Tomorrow!

7 Sep

Yikes! Where have I been?  Out of control…  The movers come tomorrow afternoon, the house is move-in ready as of 1 am this morning, we go meet our greyhound tomorrow morning, and my uterine lining/progesterone levels are holding strong.

Not too shabby for the past week. 🙂  We spent a crazy amount of time getting this house ready over the long weekend.  Painting and cleaning and carpet cleaning and jungle patio overhauls ensued.  I know I overdid it, but such is life.  I haven’t gotten pregnant so far by taking it easy.  I am, however, taking it easier this week.  I’m feeling tired more easily and I’m far more emotional.  I’m resting when I need it and trying to get some extra sleep.

My mom and step dad and Jeremy’s parents helped us a lot, which was a gigantic relief.  Jeremy’s parents helped with all of the high VOC painting so I could stay away from the fumes, and my mom and step dad whipped our patio into something just beautiful after the previous owners let it turn into the Jungle Book over the summer.

We met some of our neighbors and they’re all so nice.  They’re all older than we are, but we kind of expected that.  They all just seem to be happy that someone bought the house and is starting to take care of it again.  We’re really enjoying watching the house transform into something loved and well cared for.  The longer we spend there and the more projects we do, the more we love the house and can’t wait to make it into the perfect home for our family.  I can see us living in this house for years and years to come, changing and improving things along the way.

It’s two blocks from the elementary school, two blocks from the river walk, and still nice and close to both of our families.  It has plenty of room for visitors and plenty of options to change as our family grows.

How are things on the family front?  We are 8 days past ovulation.  I’ve been taking prometrium supplements twice a day since Sunday.  My uterine lining looks good.  We’re at cycle day 26.  Farther than last month, still a few days to go.  I’ve been a little crampy off and on for the past couple days.  Nothing super painful, just uncomfortable.  It usually stops when I lay down.  I’ve also lost 4 pounds in the past week.  I know I’ve been really active, but I’ve also been eating like a horse, so I’m not sure what that means.

Dr. B doesn’t want me to test until Thursday… I don’t know if I can hold out that long.  I’ll definitely be waiting until early next week though.  I’m terrified that the oviderel will still be in my system and I’ll get a very very false positive.  I don’t have a good feeling about this cycle though.  I have a feeling my period will start before I get a chance to test.

Today, I’m going to finish packing and day dream about picking our greyhound tomorrow. 🙂

Progesterone – Beasted

16 Apr

My Dr. emailed me my blood test results from last week so I could see the levels.  31.  31. 31. 31. 31. 31. 31.

My progesterone is at a 31.  Without supplements.  My uterus is a beast. 15 or more is ideal.  =)


We are rocking this cycle. =)

Blood Testing

14 Apr

I got my blood test results Thursday.  The nurse said my progesterone levels are perfect and that I definitely ovulated.  She told me to call “when” my period starts or “if” I get to cycle day 35.  I have my doubts, lady.

I’m starting to think I hate progesterone almost as much as I hated clomid.  I feel horrible today.  It makes me wonder if my progesterone levels were bad all of my past cycles.  Maybe this is the first cycle that my progesterone is up at a normal level and my body is just not handling it very well?  I don’t know.  I’m exhausted.  I’ve been sleeping like a rock the past few nights (which is really unusual), falling asleep early, and napping briefly in the afternoon.

I’m so ready for this to be over.  Anyone who takes things further than clomid has my undying respect.  10 more days to go.  Someone please remind me that this will be worth it in the end.  Right?
In 2 weeks, Jeremy and I will be frolicking through Toronto and then Niagra Falls.  One way or another, I will definitely need that vacation.