Love Vandals

6 Jul

I have a guilty pleasure to admit to.  As much as I love reading, I think I might enjoy reading the Frisky even more…
While absentmindedly skimming it yesterday, I came across a page called “Love Vandal” and it brought out the sappy, hopeless romantic in me for a few minutes… 😉

Here are a few of my favorites for your viewing pleasure…

"I want to know what sets your heart on fire so I can be all that and more. I love you."

Love Banksy's work. There's some in Chicago as well... We'll save that for another post though as its not quite romantic enough 😉


I think I take that last one a little too much to heart sometimes…  😉


One Response to “Love Vandals”

  1. cmshea July 12, 2010 at 3:26 pm #

    Love. Love love Love.

    That is all.

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